

一、表因果关系的连接词:because, as, since, for, in that, in case, therefore, hence, thus, accordingly, consequently等,请看2006年真题:
Yet the debate about how to save Europe’s single currency from disintegration is stuck. It is stuck because the euro zone’s dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone, but disagree about what to harmonies.
37. The debate over the EU’s single currency is stuck because the dominant powers ______.
[A] are competing for the leading position
[B] are busy handling their own crises
[C] fail to reach an agreement on harmonization
[D] disagree on the steps towards disintegration
题干问欧盟统一货币的讨论陷入困局是因为什么。我们定位到第一句话Yet the debate about how to save Europe’s single currency from disintegration is stuck.句子本身只是提到了这个事实情况,所以需要往后看It is stuck because,此处有明确的原因解释,然后抓原因状语从句的主干意思:the euro zone’s dominant powers agree on the need for greater harmonization, but disagree about what to harmonies.欧元区的两大主导力量对于和谐什么没有达成一致意见,所以才造成的目前的困局。答案是[C] fail to reach an agreement on harmonization。
Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will.
40. Washington’s decision to free slaves originated from his_______.
[A] moral considerations.
[B] military experience.
[C] financial conditions.
[D] political stand.
句子主干就是在讲华盛顿释放了奴隶Washington overcame the strong opposition of his relatives.,此时找原因就得从定语从句的内容中找,从句主干说他开始相信人人生来平等who had begun to believe that all men were created equal,然后又出现一个现在分词结构after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War,解题的关键就是要知道分词结构也有做原因状语的功能。答案选择[A] moral considerations.
以上是老师给大家总结的两种原因题的解题思路,一是找因果连接词,二是注意分词结构做原因状语的用法。此外还有一些介词及介词短语表原因,如:from, by, through, with, due to, owing to, thanks to, in view of等。考研英语对于语言点的考察时非常明确细致的,而英语知识点本身又极为琐碎,所以考生要善于总结,如此才能事半功倍。

