
A rich woman is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same colour as the vase. Several painters try to mix the colour right, but none comes close enough to satisfy the woman. Eventually, a painter comes. He is confident that he can mix the proper colour. The woman is pleased with the result, and the painter becomes famous. Years later, he retires and turns the business over to his son. "Dad,"asks the son, "there"s something I"ve got to know. How did you get those walls to match the vase so perfectly?" "Son,” the father replies, "I painted the vase." 一个有钱的妇人感到非常骄傲,因为她有一只值钱的古董花瓶,她决定把她的卧室漆成和花瓶一样的颜色。好几个油漆匠试图调出正确的颜色,但是没有一个人调出的颜色能让妇人满意。
他很有信心可以调出合适的颜色。果然妇人对最终的效果感到满意,漆匠也因此成名。 几年后,漆匠退休了,他把生意交给了儿子。“爸爸,”儿子问,“有件事我想知道。你是如何调配出和花瓶一样的颜色的。” “儿子,”父亲回答,“我把花瓶也一起漆了。”
If you can"t change a situation, change your a recent college grad, I was starting to figure out this adult life thing — I got a job, found a place to live and managed to balance a social life with these new 9-5 responsibilities. Things were going according to plan, until they weren"t. I lost my dad suddenly to cancer, and that"s when it felt as if nothing would ever be good again.作为一个刚刚走出校园的大学毕业生,我开始适应成年人的生活——我找到一份工作,找了一个住的地方,努力试着平衡社交生活和朝九晚五的新职责。
I second-guessed all of my choices and simultaneously assumed that everyone else had it all figured out. I counted the ways I felt cheated: My grief felt crippling; my job started to lose its luster; I didn"t have the bank account I wanted; I didn"t like the way I felt on the inside, which translated to how I felt about how I looked and how I acted. I was cranky... a lot. I was tired of seeing friends accelerating into adult life while each day felt like a challenge I had to overcome. I was sad from top to bottom and from the inside out — until I heard a quote that quite literally changed my life.我重新审视了自己所有的选择,与此同时感觉其他人好像都过得清楚明白。我历数自己感觉自欺的地方:我的悲伤愈演愈烈;工作开始失去光彩;我还没有存下自己想要的钱;我不喜欢内心的感觉,也就是说我不喜欢自己的样子、自己的处事方式。
我从上到下、从里到外都浸着悲伤——直到有一天我听到一句格言,才真正改变了我的生活。"If you can"t change a situation, change your mind."“如果你无法改变环境,那么就改变心境。”I was in the middle of a yoga class, and it felt like the teacher was speaking directly to me. I can"t remember which pose I was in, the song that was playing or the day of the week, but I do remember feeling his words reverberate in my bones. It was a wake up call, and I chose to listen.我当时正在上瑜伽课,这句话就好像是老师直接对我说的。我不记得当时正在做什么姿势、房间里播放着什么样的音乐、那天是星期几,但我清楚地记得感觉他的话在我的骨髓里久久回响。
那是将我唤醒的声音,而我选择了聆听。Grief is real. And the things dragging me down were mostly out of my control, but my attitude was something only I could manage. So I started over. I fiercely protected my attitude and reactions to situations the way a mother bear might care for her cub. I had always been such a happy person and I wanted to be that person again.悲伤是真实的,那些将我拖下去的事务也多半是无法掌控的,但我的态度是我唯一可以控制的东西。所以我让一切重新开始。我奋力地保护着我对外界环境的态度和反应,就像一只熊妈妈保护幼崽那样。我曾经是一个那么快乐的人,我希望能再次成为那个人。I wrote the quote down on post-it notes and stuck them everywhere: on my bedroom mirror, across the back of my phone case and even on my laptop keyboard. I doodled it on my to-do lists and wrote it in my journal. I repeated it to myself constantly. I wanted to feel better, and now I had a plan. Timing is everything. If I wasn"t ready, the best advice of my life might have fallen on deaf ears. But I wanted so badly to feel better.我把这句格言写在便利贴上,贴在所有的地方:卧室镜子上、手机壳背面,甚至是笔记本电脑键盘上。
时机就是一切。如果我没有做好准备,就很可能会对这句最好的人生建议充耳不闻,但我是那么渴望感觉好起来。Slowly, I formed a new habit. "If you can"t change a situation, change your mind" became my go-to response for everything from a claustrophobic subway car to a terrible date to a disagreement with a friend. Of course there were days when I felt awful despite my best efforts. And there are still moments when negativity gets the best of me.慢慢地,我形成了一个新的习惯。
“如果你无法改变环境,那么就改变心境”成了我遇事的第一反应,从幽闭的地铁到糟糕的约会再到朋友间的龃龉。当然,有些日子尽管尽了最大努力,仍然感觉很糟,有时候消极思想还是会占据上风。But I made a promise to myself to wake up every day and try. Feeling angry and upset won"t change anything about so many situations I found myself in — in fact, it usually made things worse. Changing something I could control, like my mind, made all the difference.但我向自己承诺每天都要起床奋斗。
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can"t hear a word。
" I said angrily."It"s none of your business," the young man said rudely. "This is a private conversation。"。
