
gallery["gæl(ə)rɪ] n. [C]美术馆;画廊;走廊
game[geɪm] n.游戏;比赛
Tell me about the game. 告诉我比赛的情况。

play the game玩游戏;‖football game足球赛;橄榄球比赛;‖olympic game奥林匹克运动会;‖ online game网络游戏;‖computer game电脑游戏;‖basketball game篮球比赛;篮球运动
garage["gærɑː(d)ʒ; -ɪdʒ; ] n. [C]汽车间;汽车房;汽车库
They have turned the garage into a study.他们把车库改建成了书房。
garbage["gɑːbɪdʒ] n.[C]废物;垃圾
You should take out the garbage. 你应该把垃圾拿出去。

gift[gɪft] n.[C]赠品;礼物
This is my birthday gift.这是我的生日礼物。
giraffe[dʒə"rɑ:f] n.[C]长颈鹿 (复数:giraffe or giraffes)
This is the giraffe.这是一只长颈鹿。
girl [gɜːl] n.[C]女孩;姑娘
We also have a little girl.我们有个小女儿。


go[gəʊ] v.行进;去;
I went home for the weekend.我回家过周末了。       
May I start now? ---Yes, go ahead. ---我现在可以开始吗。---可以,开始吧。[go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,干下去]
Don’t go away. I’ll be back in a minute.别走开,我马上回来。
[go away  走开]

go by (指时间)过去;消逝‖go in for参加‖ go fishing (shopping, skating) (去)钓鱼
(买东西,滑冰)‖go for a walk 散步‖go on 继续(说/做)下去‖go on with 继续‖go
over 复习,仔细检查‖go straight along 沿着……一直往前走‖go through 查阅;浏览‖
go home回家‖let go放开;‖go up增长;上升;被兴建起来‖go on继续;过去;继续下去;发生‖go somewhere去某个地方;出去一下‖go easy安闲;从容不迫

