
教学设计:I  have  a  ruler


词汇: pencil、ruler、eraser、crayon
句型: I have a pencil / ruler / eraser / crayon .
2) 能阅读和理解课文中单词和对话的意思。
3) 能够正确理解、运用所学的单词和句型;

4) 学习单词pencil、ruler、eraser、crayon,注意r字母发音和a / an 的整体教学。

2、 情感和文化目标

1 教学流程图

P 10,歌曲Hello包含名字单词和打招呼,容易调动学生的积极情绪,
再简单复习hello,hi, I ‘m COCO ,wh

2 教学内容
单词( pencil、ruler、eraser、crayon)
句型:I have a pencil / ruler / eraser / crayon .…….
拓展: 改歌词,换上其他文具。

3 教学目标
● 学会四种文具单词,能听指令正确指认和描述文具单词。
● 能听明白句型内容,整体认知a/ an,能正确用句型描述我有什么文具。
● 能发挥想象力,创意思考,联系生活用描述其他文具。
4 教学重点和难点
● 学习四种文具单词,特别留意是字母r 发音。

● 整体认知a/ an 在不同单词搭配。
A、 情境教学法。
B、 TPR教学法。用TPR全身反应法指认不同文具。在活动中加强学生的词汇记忆。

C、 整体教学法:让学生在整体认知中观察和运用a/ an在不同单词搭配 。
D、 任务型教学法:学生在小组合作中充分发挥主观能动性,完成学习任务。
6 教学过程(说明意图及依据)
Warming up

1、Listen to a song and follow the song.
(everybody cheers up and gets ready for the class.)
T:  Hello, boys and girls, class begins. Stand up ,please.
SS: Good afternoon, coco。

T:  Sit down, please. Let’s enjoy the song Hello, and follow it.

T: OK, Good job。 再逐个问学生,复习hello,hi, I ‘m COCO,what’s your  name?
● Presentation
Now I’d like to introduce my pencil-box to you. Today we are going to talk about “ what’s in the pencil-box. Look at the title.(read the title HELLO)
T: Now I’d like to introduce my pencil-box to you. Today we are going to talk about “ what’s in the pencil-box. Look at the title.( read the title HELLO)
T: I have a pencil-box.  Do you have a pencil-box? 
Ss: yes,
Can you guess what is in it ?
T:OK, close your eyes, and touch it. 闭上眼睛,猜一猜,是什么文具。
Tell us , what’s this? 告诉大家,这是什么?
Ss: 铅笔,pencil.
T:  Yes, I have a pencil. Show me your hands, follow me. (让学生举起手指,跟着拼写字母, 读单词)
P-e-n-c-i-l, pencil, pencil.  I have a pencil. (带读两遍)
Show me your pencil.

1:跟我读- 学生看老师嘴型猜读,首先是集体猜读,然后是小组猜读,接着是抢猜
2:我来试一试- 学生们在小组里练习跟我读,评出一个做得最好的,让这名学生来考一考其他组的学生。


T: OK, who can read it? You , please. Thank you . Good . Good job。 Good girls/boys. ( a pencil ...)
(2) OK, we all do a good job. this line ,one by one, And says  ( I have a pencil.) (一行)
(3) The whole class follow me:  I have a pencil. (2次)
在全班读I have a pencil. 老师引出 me too.
T: who know the meaning? “ me too ? ”
Ss: 我也有。
T:that is right. 再两个小组,说 I have a pencil.
另外两个小组: me too.
T: OK ,let’s move on. Anything else in the pencil-box?
T:  Yes, I have a ruler. Show me your hands, follow me. (让学生举起手指,跟着拼写字母, 读单词)
R-u-l-e-r,  ruler ,ruler. I have a ruler. (带读两遍)
Show me your ruler.


T: OK, who can read it? You , please. Thank you . Good . Good job。
Good girls/boys. ( a ruler ...)

(2)OK, we all do a good job. this group ,two by two, And says  ( I have a ruler.) (两组)

(3)The whole class follow me:  I have a ruler. (2次)

(4)大小声练习单词 ruler 、 pencil.
在全班读I have a pencil. 老师再次引出 me too.
T:that is right. 再两个小组,说 I have a pencil.
另外两个小组: me too.
T: OK ,let’s move on. Anything else in the pencil-box?
T:  Yes, I have a crayon . Show me your hands, follow me.
(让学生举起手指,跟着拼写字母, 读单词)
C-r-a-y-o-n,  crayon ,crayon . I have a crayon . (带读两遍)
Show me your crayon .


T: OK, who can read it? You , please. Thank you . Good . Good job。 Good girls/boys. ( a crayon ...)

(2)OK, we all do a good job. this group ,two by two, And says  ( I have a crayon.) (两组)

(3)The whole class follow me:  I have a crayon. (2次)

(4)大小声练习单词crayon、 ruler 、 pencil.

A:I have a ...  B:  Me  too.
T: OK ,let’s move on. Anything else in the pencil-box?
T:  Yes, I have an eraser . Show me your hands, follow me.
(让学生举起手指,跟着拼写字母, 读单词)
E-r-a-s-e-r,  an eraser , an eraser . I have  an eraser . (带读两遍)。
