

If I could catch a rainbow
If I Could Catch a Rainbow
If I could catch a rainbow
Sandra Lewis Pringle   桑德拉•刘易斯•普林格尔 If I could catch a rainbow 如果我能抓住一抹天边的彩虹,I would do it just for you  我一定只为你去做,and share with you its beauty 与你分享它的绚丽多彩,On the days you’re feeling blue 挥去你平日的愁容。If I could build a mountain 如果我能鬼斧神工, You could call your very own 我一定为你劈出远山如黛A place to find serenity 让你独居深幽处,A place to be alone  深藏你的孤独。If I could take your troubles 如果能带走你的烦脑,I would toss them in the sea 我一定将它们抛入大海。
But all these things I’m finding  然而,我发现这一切,  are impossible for me. 是不可能I cannot build a mountain 我不能鬼斧神工
Or catch a rainbow fair 抑或挽留彩虹
But let me be what I know best 但请让我为你做最好的事情吧
A friend who is always there. 就是永远将你陪同
