
【中文俗语的地道英语表达 1】吃了吗。 How"s it going?/How are you?;慢走 Take care/Have a good day;慢慢来 Take it easy/Take your time;我跟你讲 Look.../Listen...;我先走了 I"m off/I gotta run;请问一下 Excuse me;别送了 No need to walk me out.

【中文俗语的地道英语表达 2】我敬你一杯 I drink to you/Cheers;你去忙你的吧 Please carry on with what you"re doing;我不是说你 I"m not criticising you/No offense;至于吗。 Is that really the case?/Has it come to that?;随你了 Up to you/Whatever/I don"t care.

【中文俗语的地道英语表达 3】我失陪了 I"m sorry but I must take my leave/Sorry but I have to run;请教一下 I look forward to hearing your advice;听你的 You"re the boss;关你屁事 None of your business。/What"s it to you?;可不是吗 Definitely。/Absolutely。

【中文俗语的地道英语表达 4】(某人)真够朋友 Sb. is a true friend;话不能这么说 I don"t really think that"s the case;真有你的 You"re really awesome/You"re really something else;咱俩谁跟谁啊 Come on, we"re friends aren"t we?;包在我身上 Leave it all to me.

【中文俗语的地道英语表达 5】(某人)不是东西 Sb. is good-for-nothing;请多包涵 Please forgive sb./Please bear with sb.;你也有今天 You"ve got what you deserve;给(某人)点儿颜色看看 Teach sb. a lesson;拿(某人)开涮 Make fun of sb.;爱谁谁。 Who cares。

【“死亡”的各种委婉语】pass away/on/over;decease;demise ;gone;asleep;cease to breathe(停止呼吸);rest in peace(安息);kick the bucket(翘辫子);ashes to ashes, dust to dust(尘归尘,土归土);dance the last dance;in Heaven;with the ancestors。

【“你好”的各种说法】每天见面就是“Hi”或者“Hello”。打招呼也有很多花样哒:How are you doing?(你好吗。
) How"s it going?(还顺利吗。) Yo dude。
(嘿哥们儿。) Top of the morning to you。(早啊。) Greetings。
(你好啊。) Long time no see。(好久不见。)

【如何安慰别人】Pull yourself together./Take heart.(振作起来) Keep your chin up.(别灰心) Cheer up。
(高兴点儿) Loosen up。(放松点,别紧张) Look on the bright side.(要看看事情好的一面) Tomorrow is another day.(明天又是新的一天) 

【各种道歉的方法 I】I apologize.(我道歉) Please forgive me.(请原谅我) You have my sincere apology.(我诚心诚意向你道歉) You cannot believe how sorry I am.(你不知道我感到多么抱歉) Words cannot describe how sorry I am.(语言无法描述我对你的歉意)

【各种道歉的方法 II】Sorry to be a pest.(不好意思,打扰了) Sorry about the inconvenience(.对不起,给你添麻烦了) I"m sorry for what I"ve done.(我为我的所作所为向你道歉) I honestly didn"t mean it.(我的确不是故意的) It"s all my fault.(这事儿全怪我)

【“没关系”的各种说法】1. That"s all right. 2. That"s okay. 3. Never mind. 4. It"s not your fault.(不是你的错) 5. Don"t worry about it.(别放在心上) 6. I won"t hold it against you.(我不会记仇的) 7. I accept your apology.(我接受你的道歉)

【餐馆常用口语 I】I"d like to reserve a table for three.(我想要预约3个人的位子) We are a group of six.(我们共有6个人) May I have a menu, please?(请给我菜单) What do you have for today"s special?(今天的推荐餐是什么?) How long is the wait?(我们大概需要等多久?)

【餐馆常用口语 II】May I order, please?(我可以点餐了吗?) What is the specialty of the house?(餐厅的特色菜是什么?) Can I have the same dish as that?(我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?) Could you recommend some good wine?(可否推荐一些不错的酒?)

【餐馆常用口语 III】My order hasn"t come yet.(我点的餐还没来) This is not what I ordered.(我点的不是这个) Check, please.(结帐) We"d like to pay separately.(我们想分开算帐) There is a mistake in the bill.(帐单有一些错误) May I have the receipt, please.(请给我收据)

【中文常用口语的英语表达 I】①活该。Serves you right。 ②别闹了。
Stop monkeying around。 ③请便。Help yourself. ④加油。
Go for it。 ⑤才怪。As if。
⑥够了。Enough。 stop it。
⑦免谈。No need to discuss。 ⑧好险。That was close。 ⑨闭嘴。
Shut up。

【中文常用口语的英语表达 II】①算了。
Forget it。 ②糟了。
Damn。 ③废话。 Bullshit。
④装傻 play dumb ⑤吹牛 brag ⑥偏心 biased ⑦无耻。 Shameless。 ⑧你敢。 You dare? ⑨干嘛。 What do you want?/ What"s wrong?/What for? ⑩休想。 Over my dead body。/No way。

【中文常用口语的英语表达 III】①不会吧。That won"t happen, will it? ②别闹了。
Keep it down。
Don"t rush me. ④再联系。Keep in touch. ⑤无所谓。Whatever. ⑥真划算。What a great deal。
⑦死定了。 I"m dead。 ⑧干得好。Good job./ Well done。

【中文常用口语的英语表达 IV】①别装傻。Don"t play innocent./Don"t play dumb。
②做梦吧你。You’re dreaming./ Dream on。 ③再说吧。We"ll talk about it later. ④不要脸。
Shameless。 ⑤怎么说。What do you mean? ⑥胡扯。Humbug。 ⑦又来了。

【中文常用口语的英语表达 V】①不骗你。Not joking. ②我请客。My treat. ③不赖嘛。Not bad. ④真碍眼。Rubs me the wrong way. ⑤正经点。 Have some decency。
⑥干脆点。Make up your mind。
⑦别理他。Don"t mind him. ⑧有眼光。Good taste. ⑨很难说。Hard to say.

【中文常用口语的英语表达 VI】①吵死了。So noisy。 ②要你管。None of your business. ③小气鬼。Stingy bastard。 ④何必呢。What for? ⑤我才不管。I don"t care。 ⑥书呆子 nerd ⑦得了吧。
Come on。 ⑧长话短说。
Make a long story short. ⑨不错吧。Not bad, huh?

【中文常用口语的英语表达 VII】①赶时间吗。
Are you in a hurry? ②你急什么。What"s the rush? ③你觉得呢。
What do you think?/ What"s your opinion? ④岂有此理。How did it come to this? ⑤这人真难伺候。He"s hard to please. ⑥太过分了。That"s too much。

【中文常用口语的英语表达 VIII】①想得美。 In your dreams。
②想都别想。Don"t even think about it。 ③这也难怪。No wonder。
④你很烦诶。You"re getting on my nerves。
/ You"re really annoying。
⑤原来如此。So that"s how it is。 ⑥ 骗你的啦。I"m joking. 

【中文常用口语的英语表达 IX】①好事成双。Good things come in pairs. ②自讨苦吃。
You"re asking for it. ③行行好。Have a heart。 ④没这回事。No such thing. ⑤那又怎样。
So what? ⑥替天行道。Carry out God"s will. ⑦不见不散。
Be there or be square.

【中文常用口语的英语表达 X】①别来无恙。How"ve you been? ②歪打正着。
Hit the jackpot. ③我就知道。
I knew it。 ④看得出来。You can tell. ⑤快去快回。Hurry back。 ⑥随你。Up to you. ⑦自作自受。Serves you right。
⑧顺其自然。Go with the flow.。
