
Unit 2  Poems
1. 了解不同内容和形式的诗歌,并学会欣赏。
2. 学习有关诗歌的词汇。
3. 学会表达意愿和计划的交际用语。
4. 学习虚拟语气的用法。

5. 尝试自己写诗。

1. 功能 ( Intention and plans)
I’m (not) going to ….
How are you going to …?
If I were…, I would….
If I had…, I would (have)….
I plan to….
I’m looking forward to….
2. 语法
虚拟语气(Subjunctive mood)
3. 词汇及短语
必会: convey concrete  flexible  minimum  branch  eventually  transform  bare
appropriate  exchange  sponsor 
take it easy  run out of    make up of    in particular    try out    let out
了解: poetry  tick  rhyme  nursery  contradictory    diamond    pattern    cottage  sparrow  tease  salty  endless  translation    sorrow    librarian    forever    section    diploma    blank  compass    bride  bridegroom  championship    darkness  warmth  scholarship    pianist  violinist  load
认识: emotion  repetition  hush  mockingbird  brass  billy-goat  squire  coffin  kitten  cinquain  droop  dread  haiku  syllable  melt  brimful  await  revolve  utter  stem  cement  rhythmic 
1. 认知策略:总结语言材料中有关倒装的句子并在活动中加以观察思考,总结归纳用法,最终结合语境使用。
2. 自主合作探究策略:在各个学习活动中进行结伴或分组讨论,结对或组内交流、总结,共同研究发现问题解决问题,及时总结学习收获本单元的学习的主要语言知识:重点动词、动词短语、其它常见表达方式和新出现的句子结构。
3. 交际策略:以学生同伴、小组活动培养学生交际策略,学会表达意愿和计划。

4. 资源策略:继续学习有效使用词典等工具书。

★Warming up
★Learning about language
★Using language
该部分的练习,帮助学生学习和运用表达意图与决定的日常交际用语。写的部分要求学生模仿诗歌C以 “If I” 开头写清单诗;或以 “Slowly” 开头写诗。
★Summing up

★Learning tip
1. 教师补充一些耳熟能详的英文歌曲,经典诗歌欣赏,以体会简单诗歌的基本特征。
2. 译唐诗。可以让学生以小组形式翻译经典唐诗,并以诗歌朗诵的形式表演出来,由班级同学共同评判出比较优秀的作品。
3. 诗歌创作。
Warming up and Reading
1. convey (vt.)
(1) to communicate or express something, with or without using words传达、传递
2. nursery (n.)
eg. nursery education/teacher/school/rhyme 
3. rhyme
4. concrete [adj. ]definite and specific (↔ abstract) 具体的
5. contradictory [ adj. ] two statements, beliefs etc that are contradictory are different and therefore cannot both be true or correct 引起矛盾的、反驳的
6. flexible [adj. ]
eg. The better tennis racquets are made out of tough but extremely flexible graphite.
7. pattern [n. ]
eg. Just take it easy and tell us what happened.
9. run out of: to use all of something and not have any more left用尽、用完
10. tease [intransitive and transitive] to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way取笑、戏弄、招惹
11. branch [n. ]
12. minimum
eg. The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.
15. eventually: [adv.]after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened最后、终于
1) The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.
2) List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhyme to the poem.
3) If I hadn’t taken it easy, if we hadn’t run out of energy, we would have won…
4) Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry --- Tang poems from China in particular?
5) With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.
Learning about Language
1. bare  [adj.]
eg. She looked round her tiny bare room.
eg. The garden is bare of flowers. 
eg. The room is bare of furniture.
2. appropriate [adj.]correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose (↔ inappropriate) 适当的、正当的
eg. appropriate measure/action/response
3. exchange
4. sponsor
Using Language
1. darkness [uncountable] when there is no light
2. try out: to test something such as a method or a piece of equipment to see if it is effective or works properly试用(可分开用)
eg. I"m trying out a new computer.
3. let out:
(1) to suddenly make a loud sound such as a shout or cry(突然)发出
(2) 放开、放出
eg. When the bird got well, we let it out.
4. load
(1) [countable] a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc装载、负荷
a load of /loads of 很多的、许多
eg. a load of wood
eg. We got a load of complaints about the loud music.
eg. Don"t worry, there"s loads of time
(2) the amount of work that a person or machine has to do负荷量、工作量
eg. The computer couldn"t handle the load and crashed.
a light/heavy load (=not much or a lot of work)
eg. Hans has a heavy teaching load this semester.
eg. My work load has doubled since Henry left.
(3) the amount of weight that something is supporting 负担、重荷
eg. a load-bearing wall
eg. It increased the load on the wheels.
(4) [intransitive and transitive] also load up to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container opposite unload 装载、装货
eg. It took an hour to load the van.
eg. Will you help me load the dishwasher?
load something into/onto something 把……装载到……上
eg. Emma loaded all the groceries into the car.
eg. He loaded the cups onto a tray.
load (up) something with something 用……把……装满
eg. She loaded up the car with camping gear.
一. Poetic Devices英诗节奏和韵律
二. Forms of Poems英诗的种类
1. Nursery rhymes童谣
Nursery rhymes are the fist poems that children will hear. They are often sung. Children love to move and dance to nursery rhymes and songs because they have strong regular rhythms. They enjoy the rhymes and the way the nursery rhyme plays with sounds.
2. List poems清单诗
A list poem is a list of things. It can have as many lines as the writer likes. Sometimes they have repetition in them and sometimes they have words that rhyme. When a list poem has rhyming words, it also has a regular rhythm.
3. Cinquain poems五行诗
A Cinquain poem is made up of five lines. It can be about any subject like a season, nature, a friend or a pet. The shape is as follows: The first line is the subject of the poem (a noun); the second line is to describe the subject (2 adjectives); the third line is to describe the subject’s action (3 v-ing); the fourth line gives opinion or feelings about the subject (4 words); the last line gives another word or name for the subject.
4. Haiku poems俳句
The Haiku is a centuries-old form of Japanese poetry. It is made up of 17 syllables and has the following structure:
1: 5 syllables
2: 7 syllables
3: 5 syllables
A Haiku poem is almost like a photo or painting as it creates a strong image in very few words. It is often an observation of nature or of the changing seasons.
5. Tang poems(中国)唐诗
When translated into English, Tang poems have a free form and do not rhyme. They have strong imagery and are often about the bringing together of opposites, for example, the small is contrast with the large, and the temporary with the eternal.
6. Songs
Poems are often put to music or are written to be sung. When a poem is to be sung, it is written with a strong rhythm, uses rhyme, in simple language, and the theme if often an emotion, such as, love, anger or despair.
7. Adverb poems
In this form of poem the students pick an adverb to start each line. The lines are in rhyming pairs, such as:
Slowly the dog crosses the road,
Slowly the old man carries his load.
✧ Before students read the poems, have them close their books and listen to the text with their eyes closed. This gives students the opportunity to listen to the sounds or “music” of the poems before reading them in more detail and experience impressions of the poem.
✧ Read the poems and make sure students know what rhyme and rhythm are.
✧ Notice the shape of the poems.
✧ Analyze and learn sentence structures in the text.
1: Warming up and background information introduction
Period 2-
3: Reading comprehension and language points
Period 4-
5: Learning about language (including Grammar Study)
Period 6-
7: Using Language (Reading, Listening and Speaking)
Period 8-
9: Workbook Exercises。
