
英语书面表达虽然篇幅短小,但方寸之地乾坤大。许多同学视作文为猛虎,望而止步。其实,运用经典高考高分句型,增强文章表达的逻辑性,结构上的条理性  语言的准确性,使得文章看起来很有“面子”,分数自然就高了;当然,考纲纲明确划定了24个话题,平时多就这24个话题准备24篇作文作为模板,到了考试的时候就去套用,也是相当聪明的做法。由于篇幅有限,LAR这里先给大家展示高分句型,以后再慢慢开始为大家准备24个话题的高分作文作为模板,如果喜欢,请关注我,加我好友,就可以轻松容易的看到以后的帖子了,或者在帖子中留言给我,我一定认真回复。


1 There is no doubt that/ there is no denying that /it can not be denied that 毫无疑问
There"s no doubt that only when we get the useful knowledge from the talk shows can we become a successful TV watcher.

There is no denying that good teacher-student relationship can make students learn knowledge more happily and teaching more valuable.
There is no denying that honesty is such an important character that we must keep it in mind in our lifetime.
2.I am firmly convinced that  坚信

I am firmly convinced that only by cooperating can such a tragedy as the financial crisis come to an end.
I am firmly convinced that so long as we possess perseverance and determination, we will make permanent achievements.

Primer Wenjiabao is firmly convinced that Chinese nation can overcome all kinds of challenges with unyielding spirit.
3.it is … that…强调句 (就是......)
It is with great patience that teenagers can learn how to solve the problems in various circumstances.
2).不是一个人的运气而是他们的努力带来成功的。( 机遇)
It is not one’s luck but one’s efforts that brings success.
It is the knowledge not only from books but also from our life that can help us to achieve our target.
4 so+adj/adv +do/does +v +that  如此......以致于

So precious my 18-year-old birthday is that I will cherish it in my deepest heart forever.
2). 他们对偶像是那样的着迷以致他们迷失了自己,忽略了学习。
So addicted to their idols are they that they almost lost themselves including neglecting their studies.
3). 它的领土辽阔,不同的地方气候差异较大。
So large is its territory that climates vary greatly from place to place.
5. not….but…  不是......而是
1). 反对者认为乞丐利用人民的同情心,不为社会做贡献,毁坏料我们城市的形象。
objectors thought that the beggars who not devoted labour to the society but took advantage of people’s sympathy( compassion), were damaging  the image of our city.

It is not to learn knowledge form books but to gain knowledge from practice and experience that will contribute to the swift development of the whole society.
6.not only… but also….    不但......而且........
Pets could not only comfort lonely old people but also make our life filled with happiness
The passage shows their concept of never giving others even a slight degree of discomfort , from which we should not only realize the significance of caring for others but also learn to comfort others.
7. In no circumstance/in no case /by no means/ on no condition  倒装句  (决不)
In no circumstance should you refuse her love and concern.

In no circumstance should we just think of its beautiful appearance, on the contrary, purchasing and using stationeries under the guidance of teachers and parents are wiser behavior for students.

Since our life is filled with unavoidable challenges, in no circumstance could we be afraid of them, Just try our best to overcome them.
8. Only when/ 介词短语 倒装句  (只有当......时候)
Only when you take actions independently and responsibly can you make yourself a real adult.
only when we obey all the rules as well as treat each other with friendly behavior can a harmonious society appear, which not only requires people’s sincerity but also close relationship among them.
高分句型的运用使得文章句式丰富,表达连贯 ,前后呼应,文章好看,耐看, 有深度。经典句型的运用使得文章主题句更加突出,更容易巧妙回归熟悉话题,灵活切换,举一反三,使文章好写,写得快,有速度。从而解决高考英语作文中写不透,写得慢,得分低的问题。
Cooperation and self advantages 。
